Saturday, April 3, 2010

bisiKan pagi~

*Bisikan pagi? aiyaaakkkk! mmg tak boleh tahan la tajuk cik kotak! huhu...nak guna juga tajuk ni...*

Another weekend come again.Banyak sangat bnda yang berlaku lately..tak tido 2 hari,struggling for the due date, final presentation..orang tersayang sakit, meja tak terurus dek journal-journal yang bergelimpangan, keadaan bilik lepas dilanda taufan, dan sekarang? cik kotak perlu dihntar ke mana-mana rumah sakit untuk seketika..nanti tak jadi kotak lagi lepas ni, sape nak jawab...=D

*my team mates lepas hbs presntation smlm..mcm nasyid group da..walhal, kami xpernah janji pun nak pakai bju sama warna..its just meant to be~"

Having great time last night, even though there are something happened inside my head! Thanx to Mr. Zamry and Kak farida for the precious time together! and kredit to owner kedai sebab masakan yang enak-enak belaka=)

Be in the "busy mode", not an excuse to us to forget Allah s.w.t. In fact, its make us more closed to Him for seeking for His help, His signal and His forgiveness.

Be in the "busy mode, teach me a lot about determination and patient. "Sabar mi***" Bak kata my dear friend," patience is a tough but the result of it will bring something sweeter into your life"..so, cik kotak..sabar je k? sebaik-baik tindakan, "bersangka baik sesama kita, insyaAllah, dipermudahkan...:"

suddenly, the evil side of cik kotak talking.."sabar pun ada tahapnya.." huhu...ish, gi men jauh-jauh sket, cik kotak tak nak jadi seseorang yang pentingkan diri sendri!


nadiah fatihah said...

waa!!! gmbr tue comey!!

miranasib said...

i taw u suke gmbar ni sebab u ade dlm gmbar ni kan..=p

Anonymous said...

I apologise, but, in my opinion, you are mistaken. Let's discuss. Write to me in PM, we will talk.