Sunday, March 28, 2010


Sometimes its bright, sometimes its too dark..
Sometimes its colorful, sometimes its just dull..
Sometimes its up, sometimes its down..
Sometimes its laugh, sometimes its cried..
Sometimes its successful, sometimes its didn't..
Sometimes its good, sometimes its bad..

"its" life..
We will never facing the same situation throughout our life..
Its must be a changes..
No changes, meaning there is no life..
So, If we love to live in a life, we need to learn how to love changes in our own life!

p/s~ sorry, cik kotak dah start merapu..Tetiba boleh pulak *terbuat* ayat sebegini..hope kalian will enjoy it..kalau tak faham, boleh je pretend faham..its doesnt matter with me=D
*cik kotak perasan sendiri, macam ada je yang nak baca blog ni..hehe*

(pelik la post kali ni, settings pic small je, bila kuar jadi besar satu alam! papepun..credit to makcik photobucket atas pic diatas..)

1 comment:

NEMO OASiS said...

I really like this onE~huhu